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Old 2011-03-23, 20:01   Link #1439
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Originally Posted by winkel View Post
If you wouldn't mind, could you please clarify?
No actor/actress would turn down a major role, especially in the anime industry. An established seiyuu (after a few years experience) would make about $120 per episode if they voiced a major roll and about $65 an ep if they voiced a minor roll. The only way they can feed themselves is if they get major roles and juggle multiple series at the same time. Take Sawashiro Miyuki, the busiest voice actress of 2010. She appeared in 219 episodes of anime total. Even if all of them were major roles (which they weren't), she'd only have made $26,280 from them (before taxes). Considering most seiyuu live and work in Tokyo (4th more expensive city to live in), that's really not enough without supplimenting their income with cd's/radio talkshows. Simply put, there are no voice actors/actresses stupid enough to turn down a lead roll because it makes them more money. The same goes for major roles in video games where more lines = more money. That said, it probably wasn't Yuu's and Kana's "choice" that they were only getting minor roles (though I love both of em).

The "especially if you're a woman" part of Kaisos's message might refer to the notion that there are a lot more female seiyuu than males, though I don't know how true that is. The female seiyuu market is hella competitive (N. Mizuki mentioned that your friends become your enemies when you're auditioning for the same roles), but I'd imagine that there being less roles for male seiyuu means that there are a lot of unheard ones out there that just can't manage to break into the spotlight.

Last edited by Elvin; 2011-03-24 at 21:08.
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