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Old 2004-10-30, 13:20   Link #17
Tiamat's Disciple
Disciple of the Flames
Join Date: Sep 2004
Originally Posted by The1Voices
Wrong Halloween is a pagan tradition/celebration in which people would dress up as fairies & leprechauns in order to fool what they believed to be real creatures that came out on All Hallows Eve. The Christian church didn’t really understand this and in a way saw it as a minor threat to the whole concept of good (as in good and evil), so to balance the scales and to promote conversion the church instituted All Saints Day.
Your partialy right. All Hallows Eve was seen as a time to scare off evil spirits believed to come out at this time, however the church were against the pagan tradition as a whole, not just this one. They believed any religion other than theres was a threat and beat it into the undergound with swords, picks, clubs and just about anything else.

Also christmas isn't a christian day, its origin is pagan aswell. It was taken over by the church because they felt it was easier to hijack days and events already in existence rather than make new ones, since people were already used to making oferings and stuff on that day. Easter is another example of this, as is May Day.
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