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Old 2011-03-29, 05:06   Link #1139
#1 Ranka Fan!!
Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: USA
Age: 32
Originally Posted by magnuskn View Post
Macross Flashback 2012 came out in 1987 and Anhiro Hase died in 1996. Unless Kawamori made the statement that they disappearad after Anhiro Hase's death ( which is quite possible ), then the disappearance of the old three mains and the seiyuu's death had little to do with each other.
Well, I'm guessing that the seiyuu's didn't want to come back? That is possible.

Anhiro Hase did seem to like playing Hikaru but quite a few of the seiyuu's never returned. Max and Mirlia's did, as I stated; but I remember reading that Misa's seiyuu was done playing that character. Mari seemed fine to be Minmei again, but without the supporting actor of Misa; it was difficult.

It's hard to change voice actors. You shouldn't try it. It's easy to tell when they switch.

So Kawamori did the only logical thing, sent them off as "a finished project" and worked on other couples and series.

As for Shin/Sara; that might not be the same...

I have NO IDEA what will happen to our Frontier people. I hope Ranka's career is still the same in the next Macross project. I want to see her all grown up.
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