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Old 2011-04-01, 06:51   Link #441
Zero of the roulette
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: Finland
Age: 30
If that opening really depicts what's going to happen in the VN, that's way beyond what I imagined. Though Kotaro's beam sword is so Ryukishi!
What could be the new girl's significance? Looks like it was her shadow I could see on the moon in the original opening. Judging from the flash on Rewrite's home page, maybe she's actually the one who's fate could be rewritten? Or she's just April-tan.
And did Shizuru just dual wield some machine pistols?

So is this parodying some existing thing, or should I really look forward to seeing the "moon dinosaurs"? But it looks epic, nevertheless!
The video title says "Opening Anime" not "Anime Opening", by the way.
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