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Old 2011-04-01, 21:52   Link #9419
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by Okashira View Post
From LN1 I always had the impression that Touma was more used to deal with regular Level 0s than with hard to deal things at hand; in fact he was kinda surprised that his hand was actually useful (even though he could use it to run away from a Lvl 5); in any event that Seira knows about him really doesn't point out anything; for what we know he might have even rescued her before from a stalker or something and that's how she got to know of his ability.
Expanding on that idea, Touma kinda gives the impression that always plays the guy that rescues the damsel in distress; thus I was always bothered that no plot line was introduced with a girl that was in love with the "old" Touma for having rescued her from some business with thugs.
Actually, from his train of thoughts in volume one, it's entirely possible that Index was the first girl he had used his powers to save from a hopelessly situation.

Originally Posted by Vanish View Post
Now that the show's over I'm probably going to catch up with what's been translated thus far. Any recommendations from where I should start? I did read Vol 7 full before. Vol 8 was only partly done then. Or maybe I could start at where the anime left off?
You can read volume 8 if anything, just to see the ending with Touma and Accelerator

THe Daihaisensai arc is good for some history lessons, but it's very heavy text-wise.

I would recommend starting at book 11, imo it's as good if not slightly better than vol 7.

Originally Posted by Wilfriback View Post
We know that the 'enemy' are magicians, but it wasn't specific as to which organization. Could be a church, could be pagan, but it doesn't seem like it's the Golden Dawn otherwise Touma would just say it.

Oh, the Afterword is out too.

Which imo, tells a better story.

- If we take things literally, Kamachi meant that Index didn't appear much in this volume, but he didn't exactly say things would be different.

- Lol, so this would be a glimps of things to come? Eventually Machines are going to overtake Espers? And while Science is constantly upgrading- They don't do it within weeks !!! Actually, even the Espers are slowly being modified by machines, Accelerator, Awaki, Mugino, and hopefully we'll even have a rebuilt Cyber=Kakine with Raiden's body and Black Wings of Vegeance.

- Yes please, I would like a crossover with Durarara now that you two are friends...
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