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Old 2011-04-04, 08:59   Link #284
Join Date: Feb 2010
Location: Iwakawa Base
Age: 32
Originally Posted by RedWing View Post
Plot seems a bit predictable, characters are too much stuck in their tropes to be anything approaching original so far. Main girl is annoying, don't see how anyone can relate to her stupidity.

She's behaving like a bad immigrant, leaving her country and going to another and instead of looking around and seeing what everyone else is behaving, she takes their own values and doesn't hesitate to bring her culture with no regard to what everyone else thinks. Ripping up those plants was a horrible thing to do, interrupting buisiness that has nothing to do with her, generally being a hassle when she just arrived.
Predictability is nothing bad. The more realistic, the less original, that's a given and also nothing bad. Ohana is 16 years old, it's normal for her to be straightforward and spontaneous. She may be stupid and spoiled in your eyes, but I find it admirable that she tries to take the burdens on her own (like wanting to be slapped out of justice feeling and trying not to cry).

I disagree. Her behaviour isn't abnormal because it's just the way she is. It's still the same country, and while it's nothing like that at all, she did expect something different (more normal) by going to her grandmother's. Well, she does kinda force her own views on the others but let's see how that will play out. I agree with the weed pulling though... oh well.
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