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Old 2011-04-06, 14:32   Link #12909
Asuki-tan Kairin ↓
Join Date: Feb 2004
Location: Fürth (GER)
Age: 43
Originally Posted by flying ^ View Post
Not surprising, since most illegal immigrants get no work permits (and even when they got one, most of the time lack the language skills, different education... disqualifies them for jobs that pay enough to support a family). I was always of the oppinion, that the law that allows for every baby born in the USA to get US citizenship is a very huge backdoor (with all its consequences).

Europe doesn't exactly face the same problem (at least not so serious), because of the Mediterranean Sea being a natural border that is not very easy to cross (illegaly - many people try and die). [okay this was my completely emotionless POV regarding the situation]

[now for something else - irony]
However, it seems the most effective way to control the immigrant influx is to let immigrants live at the absolute minimum subsistence level. The word spreads very fast that it might be better to stay in the country of origin. However, while the efforts of the US american social legislation does everything to get to this level, the "advertisement campaigns" of Hollywood and Co. seem to be so much stronger.

The media and the message that it sends out to the world must be in tune with reality to make this work.

When they stop to say that in an american dream (well for most people only in their dreams) everyone can become rich and that the social system is suitable to provide a fundament for that upstart... and stick instead to reality: that most people must remain poor, so that a few can get rich. And that the social systems are actually designed to maintain this status quo... than maybe the tools of deterrence will work (however, that might backfire... because suddenly many americans will realize that they have to stay poor).
Folding@Home, Team Animesuki
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