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Old 2011-04-06, 14:44   Link #9517
The Faceless One
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: Varaždin, Croatia
Age: 33
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Originally Posted by I_am_Kami
I need to find the pshyco look Misaka gave, it was weird.
Something like this?

Originally Posted by I_am_Kami
Or maybe its cuz according to everyone(exaggeration) people need to go through hardships and then change so they can be a cool character.
They don't need to, but whats the problem with it? Every kind of character development is positive for a character and with what happened in SISTER's arc, it would be unnatural for Mikoto to NOT be devastated with what was happening.

Saying that a character should not go through hardships is even worse then saying they need to IMO.

Originally Posted by I_am_Kami
In other words, everyone but touma.
Kamiyo is a type of character that wouldn't work with such plot devices to begin with. Kind, role and potential of a character, mixed with plot itself, define how every character should be handled. Writing a story is more complex then some people like to believe.

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen
I hope you people understand that the slice-of-life moment is not a bad thing, if anything I wish there were more slice of life moments in Index. Who wouldn't want to see Touma's class getting into trouble baka-test style?
I'd say Slice of Life element is one of strongest sides of To Aru franchise.
Problem with the Anime tough was that it had TOO MUCH of it and focused on only 4 characters from whoch one was very important for the plot, one is semi-important and two are unimportant.

And it was done in age of Moe-hate. Moe-haters are usually the ones who hate Railgun Anime I think.
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