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Old 2011-04-08, 22:41   Link #1868
Crossdressing Menmatic
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Age: 30
Originally Posted by Akashin View Post
I'm inclined to agree, but there's something extremely annoying about the fact that he hasn't bothered to understand how something he created (non-literally, of course; the idea is hardly new) works. Maybe I'm just overreacting since I'm a writer, but it's typically nice if you take the time to understand how your own creations work.
Entropy is a quick and dirty explanation. However, better to have a quick and dirty explanation than a confusing and complex one.

Sure, Urobuchi could do some research on entropy and bog the general population down in the laws of thermodynamics, but most people just want the simple version. There are a few people who seek complete, perfect consistency with every detail prior. These are the people drawing simulations of Puella Magi population dynamics on math programs. Writing a story to appease this demographic is very difficult to create without taking away from the emotional and compelling parts. Truthfully, Urobuchi is better at the dramatic anyway.

Kyubey could have said "I'm working for the sake of the whole universe" without using the word "entropy." Because Urobuchi wants to portray Kyubey as a technologically superior, by-the-statistics being, a scientific concept is used as justification. Expanding on the concept is something Urobuchi has little intention to do - entropy was only important for that one scene in episode 9. It reappears once more in episode 10, yet only serves as more proof of Kyubey telling the truth. "Your wish has improved the entropy." Would both Kyubeys have lied to both Homura and Madoka, when the two Kyubeys were of different timelines? You could say Kyubey runs with his entropy excuse in every timeline, for every girl he meets. Still, there is little reason for Kyubey to lie to Homura, after Homura had already made the wish.

Urobuchi understands how entropy works; he simply used entropy in a way to cause skepticism among a few posters. Quite a bit of the analysis here is founded on the assumption Kyubey is lying - the viewers have yet to see Kyubey's race, the detrimental effects of universal entropy, or how contracting Puella Magi may reverse entropy. Other arguments have focused upon how Kyubey is inefficient at his task of gathering emotional energy. Still others frame the Madokaverse in similar fashion to our own, and point out heat death is a very, very long time from now.

I question whether Urobuchi has even considered the above topics of any importance to the show. The main point is Kyubey works for the overall good of the universe, and sacrifices some lower lifeforms to do so. Entropy is just there because Kyubey needs something concrete as an explanation. For this reason, some may be displeased with Kyubey. I'm okay with it.
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