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Old 2011-04-11, 16:06   Link #2879
Joseph Defense Squad
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Mars
Originally Posted by Deacon Blues View Post
Hm, the Japanese sources that I cited for my information on my website stated that it means "new home". Either this is a goofup by Sumisawa or something is amiss. Plus, the way I spelled it is based on a city in Germany. But, seeing that you probably know more German than my linguistic background, I'll take your word for it.
well, let me put it this way: it can technically be understood as meaning "new home", it's just not correct grammar/ totally correct syntax. Kind of like using a weird/different than normal kanji to write something, I guess.
And yes, I was just going to say it is the kind of name you would give to a town, hehe. That's why the first association is more like "New Town/ home in the sense of place/village rather than actually home/house".
edit: they just used German in a way they use english, sort of.

Not that Wing was always totally correct with its use of foreign names, but they generally did better than this one, which is a bit weird- not near as bad as the Hilde Schbeiker, which is just a complete c*ck up
Poor Hilde, we always felt sorry for her for that one

Didn't mean to be nitpicking either, just thought if its German/Italian/French/ the works bothering you, I can help/ clarify easily
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