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Old 2011-04-14, 09:13   Link #229
The Shermain
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: NY
Age: 45
Originally Posted by MrTerrorist View Post
I don't see Shinkurou as pathetic. Most people just want him to be a badass killer but Shinkurou only wants to be peaceful mediator. He may have learn the Hōzuki-style martial arts but he only learn it to protect those he cares about. That's why he never uses the horn or the full might of the Hōzuki-style unless he has no choice coz if he did, he'll become a heartless monster just like the guy who works for the Akuu corp and is also Hōzuki-style practitioner. Unlike Shinkurou, the other guy was banished from the Hōzuki's dojo becoz he uses the martial arts to kill people without remorse. And this is why Shinkurou is considered a true successor of the Hōzuki-style as Shinkurou has a heart and doesn't let the power of the Hōzuki-style get into his head.
The problem with this argument is that Kurenai makes a pretty horrible mediator as well. They're supposed to resolve disputes as quickly and efficiently as possible, right? Yet every time he gets involved, things escalate into massive violence, often with him losing or him needing the help of everyone else to back him up. He can't do anything on his own. He chose a life of violence when he chose to follow in Benika's footsteps. She's got the power to back her up, though. Power doesn't make you a monster, it's how you use it. He doesn't have the strength needed for this job and if he really wants to keep things non-violent and still act as a mediator, he should become a psychiatrist instead. Otherwise, as long as he's like this, people he care about, like Lin, will keep dying around him and there's nothing even pedo-power can do about. The people he's up against are total monsters, as you said. That means if he wants to defeat them without killing them, he needs to be stronger than them. Otherwise, he'll keep on losing and watching others die while he sits there crying.

Who knows. Maybe the author's intent is that by the end of the series, Shinkurou realizes he doesn't have what it takes to be a mediator (when everyone else is dead) and he retires as the dojo head.

Last edited by KLGChaos; 2011-04-14 at 09:31.
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