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Old 2011-04-23, 17:28   Link #797
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Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
And thus, how would you feel, if people told you: "Infinite Stratos was really good! Any issues you have with it are purely subjective and you're merely projecting yourself into it!"

Note that I don't feel PMMM is as bad as IS, and do agree there are a number of good things to be said about PMMM. I'm not telling anyone to get their head examined, either.
If I thought that the discussion about whether or not it was good was interesting, then I'd have to reasssess my opinion of the show. If I didn't think it was interesting, I'd say "agree to disagree" and go home. My attention span isn't that great

I could be entertained with a discussion of why IS is commercially sucessful in a way that other formulatic harem/fanservice series are not (also, a discussion of what that says about the anime industry and anime fans). So I retract my earlier statement. It's one small step above the bottom of the barrel, in a weird meta-interesting sense. :P

I suppose that thought provoking and interesting on an individual level is subjective, although on a consensus level these are less so.

Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
I can agree that the issues Madoka brings up, do make for some nice discussions; just that there are issues with the story itself. Infinite Stratos never tried to be anything else but a mecha harem anime, and there were probably some good discussions that went on in the IS thread. PMMM tried to be something else, and thus why I am more critical of it, perhaps in the same way a loving parent might punish their child, heh.

Though I suppose I can be persuaded to bring up my "below average" to more "average" since it did try and there were a quite a few things that did work well, so I might have been a bit too harsh on it.
As far as writing quality, goes, I didn't think that any of the plot holes were large enough to interfere with my enjoyment of the series, since they're all easily inferred over. This is probably a difference of taste too.....

Originally Posted by Kaijo View Post
But it is the type of ambiguity where things are left unexplained that should be explained, where we run into the issue. If Bob is in his basement in LA, and 5 minutes later, you see Bob in the top floor of a building in Chicago, and never explain how he got there, that's bad ambiguity.
For instance, if this is 5 minutes later in story-time (and it is explicity stated or can be unambiguously deduced from explicitly stated facts that it only took 5 minutes for Bob to go to Chicago), I would be confused, and some explanation would be in order. If this is 5 minutes later in viewer-time, I would assume he took a plane or something, and not be worried about it if there are more interesting things going on in the plot.

(In this specific case, I think a 3 second montage of bob taking a plane would be nice though.)

Similarly, I don't need to see Madoka interrogating Kyubey about the specifics of the wish system. I'm fine inferring that she either was not willing to make the wishes she didn't make or that they would have turned out poorly. So maybe it would have been better if this had been more explicitly explained, but I didn't worry about it.

I think my point is that the quality of writing is less important than how thought provoking a show is in terms of how I assess the quality of anime. Furthermore, how well a work lends itself to interesting discussion is more important that quality of writing in terms of how influential a work is.

Last edited by Kagayaki; 2011-04-23 at 17:41.
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