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Old 2011-05-02, 14:57   Link #11
Join Date: Sep 2010
I pretty much ignored Madoka at the start as to me MS series were normally very "rainbowy". In a lucky accident, with nothing to watch, i ended up watching the first 3 episodes of Madoka.

The story was really about characters, the mystery of the system and the problem of how to solve the entire thing even when all the information was laid out to you.


Sayaka really caused me neck problems as i was headshaking many times on Sayaka's lack of ability to think. When Sayaka changed did as everyone had expected for 3 episodes, up to the very point where she talked to Kyoko, i was still headshaking. Her VA did an absolutely magnificant job with her baka line because when she finally said that and the BGM swelled, i still considered her as "need more brain food" but felt sad for her remorse at the very end of her life. If only she had not chosen as unwisely as she did.

Kyoko was a surprising character, I would not have thought i would feel for her. I credit much of it to her picture as a kid with a bewildered face, her simplicity of thinking at that time and her bad ending of her wish. Part of what i like about her was that she took the lessons of her wish to heart and to use that as a life lesson, not that ultra selfishness was any better. However her end was also much less impactful than Sayaka's. Her VA failed to bring as much life to her final dialogue.

The word i use to describe Homura is "manly". When she said that line "For you, even if i was forever trapped in a maze, i would not balk", such courage and determination is remarkable. Her showing in ep 11 was truly astounding even though results were not as anticipated. Her VA has also been consistently good, though to be fair, she has only cold or sad dialogue for most of the series.

Kyubei was an interesting character. His motives were the moving force for the front parts. The wolf in sheep's clothing for the series and an excellent one. The lighting, unchanging smile and obvious lawyering already marked him early as someone who was never going to be helpful but you never knew what he was hiding until it got forced out of him. His VA did an excellent job, maintaining an even, uncaring air though in some parts the voice did project too much emotion.

As for Madoka, maybe i'm one of few but i liked Madoka's character from episode 1. I have a soft spot for characters who try to be responsible and kind and as Junko noted, Madoka was successful in her job at being a good kid. I was quite impressed by Madoka's attempt to stop the mass suicide which marked her as having courage. Though some would harangue her on her "cowardice" for not contracting, thoughout the series i felt Madoka had responded the most life-like, not signing up for a life sentence for an acquaintaince like Mami, yet willing to risk it to save Sayaka. Obviously Homura helped a lot in her not having to contract. The Madoka in the final ep, who had all the information she needed, and the willingness to commit her entire life to a wish that was not for herself showed her determination was not any less than Homura's.


The thing about the entire story is that it is consistent and logical with itself. The final wish was an excellent piece of logic, that closed all the loopholes and didn't attempt too much. Not many series can claim that nowadays. The only one is Kyubei's "entropy's ending the universe" sales pitch, which falls flat, unless one considers that the energy usage of the galactic races is sufficient to bring a vastly early end to the universe. Not very realistic but as it never went further in its explaination which was good because you cannot pin any logical faults on something that was never explained.


Magia is actually a head turner. Connect is well made yet isn't that special but you don't hear someting like Magia's calibre everyday. The background music is also very nicely done. Sayaka's part in ep 7's end brings out the emption of the scene. Sometimes its too heavy handed like Homura's ep 11's end music, still overall its very good.


Mostly ok. The character's pancake faces work surprisingly well. Not much definition needed but the eyes and other small things brings out the emotional state of the character, matching the VAs very well in most cases. The abstract nature of the witches allows for pretty absurd stuff yet remain acceptable.

Overall this is definitely a 10 for me. Until another anime can dethrone it from the same genre niche, it will remain a 10.
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