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Old 2011-05-04, 08:56   Link #18
Salt Levels Critical
Join Date: Oct 2007
I gave this a 6/10 overall but it might be deserving of lower. The girls were cute and the "fun" episodes were enjoyable to watch, but the last couple episodes, and Ichika overall, basically ruined it in my opinion. I have not seen a lead character this dumb since Natsuru from Kampfer. Actually I think this series mirrors Kampfer pretty closely - a dense main character who can't recognize all the girls like him with a really poor "oh by the way" plot thrown into the last couple episodes. I think the plot here was slightly worse though because it actually tried to take itself seriously. Some of my main problems or things I just found kinda silly:

- The illegal fishing ship, the unnamed white-haired girl and the whole "power up dream" thing, the professor being behind everything...actually, I'll just say the entire last 2 episodes. I could write an essay about this but nobody would read it and I assume it was done to death in the discussion threads already so I'll just leave it at that.

- Making Charlotte the major focus of the middle episodes and then completely demoting her to background character who does nothing relevant for the rest of the series. Why? Her teamwork and chemistry with Ichika and background that could have been a major plot point were only there for the sake of a character arc?

Was a fairly enjoyable watch because of the girls and I wouldn't say I regret it but it could have been so much more.
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