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Old 2011-05-04, 23:32   Link #2011
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Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: Philippines
I didn't think I'd be posting images here like I do in the Vivid thread.

But anyway, latest chapter pics, ahoy! >:3

Spoiler for Pics:

My thoughts of Force, so far? I'm interested in the semi-serious direction it's taking and I'm liking the new toys they bring, but I'm still far, far away from being even remotely comfortable with the Eclipse stuff. Anti-magic that simply multiplies any magical value by zero no matter the quantity (Esquire Huckebein can cancel the Arc-En-Ciel! THAT was the last straw.) simply reeks of cheapness that I just can't approve of it right now. The ECM (Anti-esper powers) concept in Zettai Karen Children is handled ten times better than the anti-magic development in the Nanohaverse, character development hundred times more. I know that it's a good opportunity of developing the creativeness of mages and for the development of technology, but why jump here immediately when we hardly ever seen anything or anybody be a serious threat to the protagonists without relying on the anti-magic plot device?

I'm reserving my judgment of the new protagonists for now, though I don't dislike what I see from them so far. Isis in particular is an actual competent and interesting character.

Force has been so-so so far. The manga actually giving Hayate a chance to show off as a valid threat even though she got shafted yet again is a nice little surprise. (Yes, yes. I know how utterly pathetic it sounds. But can you blame me? If the Nanoha PSP AU timeline didn't exist I'd be so sick and tired of hoping for anything to expect from Hayate and the Yagami-ke beyond this point. And that's putting it lightly.)

I'd still rather have the Aces' teen years explored rather than this, though. I love the adult Aces but I also want to see them grow during their adolescence. It's usually one of the most interesting periods in a person's life after all.

OC Profiles
Yagami Hayate: ver. GenerationS; Part 1, Part 2

Last edited by Aaron008R; 2011-05-05 at 00:02.
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