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Old 2011-05-05, 22:23   Link #23
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Join Date: Jun 2007
Originally Posted by Sackett View Post
"Lets go pee together!!"

Sigh... the minds of 6 year-olds...

Why am I getting the impression that Tsuruko decided to out Yukiatsu because she thought that Jinta was just as messed up in the head. Figured that getting it out in the open was the only way to help Yukiatsu. And decided that Jinta and company were the only people who could be trusted with the secret.

She must have been struggling for a long time trying to figure out how to help him.
I do agree that Tsuruko probably trusts the group enough that she can entrust them with something like this, but I'm thinking it's also because Jintan's almost directly related with Yukiatsu's issues.

Actually, a part of me thinks Tsuruko doesn't really care who knows the secret, but thinks that this is the most efficient way of fixing this. I wish we knew more about Tsuruko's character, but it seems we need to help Yukiatsu first.

Originally Posted by Mr.Garfield View Post
I think Anaru will dumb her friends soon. I don't think she has any attachment to her friends, she just hang around with them because it's become a habit. Soon she will realise the her old friends is more important, and her current friends are just some annoying bitches...

About Jintan, i think he'll have to confess his feeling to Menma before he start to actually accept others.
To be honest, I don't think Anaru will stop hanging around them unless they do something really bad. The reason I think she thinks they're good is because she tried to convince Jintan that they weren't bad people instead of just saying that he should ignore them. Also, dumping friends puts people in a bad light, and I can't imagine that they want Anaru to look bad in picking her new friends. She'll realize that her current friends aren't great, but I can't imagine it happening without them being jerks to Jintan more.
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