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Old 2011-05-14, 10:41   Link #3281
GameTag: NamikazeKing
Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: NEW YORK
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Haven't been around for a while, but I'm still in the fan fic game ^^. Here's a brand-new character of mine.

Sōkana (挿花七, Literally "Seven Flower Arrangements")
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Red
Blood Type: AB
Occupation: Medical-Nin
Affiliation: Konohagakure
Home Country: Fire Country
Home Town: Konohagakure
Chakra Nature(s): Water (Primary), Lightning (Secondary)

A tall young woman, Sōkana has long red colored hair and solid black eyes. She wears a standard Konohagakure uniform; consisting of a blue long sleeved shirt with the red swirl-pattern on both sleeves, long blue pants and a green flak jacket over her shirt. She wears her Konohagakure nameplate on a dark blue cloths, tied around her waist acting similar to a belt. She is often seen carrying a beige satchel over her shoulder, carrying several medical tools and medications.

Level-headed, calm and gentle; Sōkana is noted as being enjoyable to be around. Her gracious smile has been said to draw a smile from the coldest of shinobi. She cares greatly for the village and her fellow ninja, deciding to go into the field of medicine to give the support to her allies that they need. To her, her skills are best suited for healing and she sticks to this. She rarely angers, only shown to do so when someone insults someone she holds dear. She is shy around authority figures, unable to even make eye contact with the Fifth Kazekage, Gaara of the Sand during the Fourth Great Shinobi World War.

Sōkana has shown to work well under pressure, her true colors coming out when lives are close to being lost. A masterful healer, Sōkana has shown to even bring back those believed to be without a chance of surviving a fatal wound. On several occasions, it has been noted that the Will of Fire has taken shape in her like no other.

Born during the end of the Third Hokage's reign as Hokage, as a young girl, Sōkana witnessed the rising of Minato Namikaze as the Fourth Hokage. During the Third Great Shinobi World War, her parents served alongside Minato and assisted in many of the battles successes. As a result, Sōkana would be pre-determined for great things by her parents. From a young age, Sōkana was expected to become a hero just as her parents had before. Entering the Academy, many girls felt threatened by her and were distanced as a result. They had heard how she was a "Prodigy" and thought of her as a show off as a result. In actuality, it was merely her parent's legacy that they heard of and this upset Sōkana. Unable to understand why everyone coupled her with her parents, she decided to follow her own goals so that would never happen again.

In the Academy, Sōkana past her fellow classmates by a long shot and was able to successfully perform all of the standard techniques at a young age. During a Spar Match with her class rival, Ran, Sōkana shared with her classmate her true feelings on what she though of her. Looking down on Sōkana for her weakness, Ran went for the winning attack when Sōkana revealed her mastery of the Mystical Palm Technique. Using it to tighten up Ran's joints, Sōkana won. Thanking Ran for the match, Sōkana healed Ran and performed the "Harmony" Seal. After this match, things changed for Sōkana and she was no longer looked at as a "Child Prodigy" but a "Dreamer".

As a Genin, Sōkana served alongside her teammates for several years. Her Genin years weren't spectacular and she performed straight D-Rank missions for several months. It wasn't until one day she would be recommended for Chunin by the Hokage. Seeing her as a possible light that the village could be guided by, she would be given the rank of Chunin without the aide of the standard exams. A week later, the events of the Nine-Tails Attack on the Hidden Leaf unfolded.

Heading out to assist the "Adults" with the other Chunin and young Jonin of the village, she would be stopped by her parents. Trying to get passed them, Sōkana believed it was her duty as a Kunoichi to risk her life for the village. In retort, her father then told her "It was [Sōkana's] duty to live on and inherit their will of fire, so that one day she could instill it into another generation". Taking these words as a heavy hit, she watched as her parents headed out to battle. This would be the last time she saw her parents, their lives were taken by the Fox. When the word was brought back of their causalities, Sōkana broke down in tears in the arms of her former Genin teammate.

Years later, Sōkana had risen to the rank of Jōnin and had been serving as a member of the Medical-Division. Tasked with assisting her fellow Jōnin on missions, her mastery of medical techniques earned a name for herself. At the time, like the rest of the village Sōkana had her detest of the boy named Naruto Uzumaki. Being the container of her parent's murderer, she felt that he to would become a murderer one day.

It wasn't until one day she was placed on a squad to assist Kakashi Hatake on a mission. At the time, he was the Jōnin squad leader to Sakura Haruno and the boy she detested Naruto Uzumaki. Finding him as a mere nuisance during the mission, she would come to be scolded by Kakashi for her lack of faithfulness to a fellow villager. On the mission, things would go awry and Kakashi would be separated from the squad. Left with Sakura and Naruto, Sōkana attempted to create a distraction for them only to be ganged up on by several dozen bandits. As they went for the attack, Naruto leaped forward and took action. With hundreds of clones, he pushed the bandits back and told Sōkana that "He would not let her get hurt..." These words touched Sōkana like that of the ones that her father said that touched her years before.

As the mission concluded and Kakashi returned to the squad, Sōkana apologized to Naruto for her attitude towards him which he replied happily that it was alright. Kakashi would tell Sōkana that "Naruto wasn't just any container of a beast... he was the embodiment of what we all fight for". Holding him in high regard, whenever Sōkana heard of Naruto's accomplishments through the world she would show her praise for the boy with a smile.

Sōkana has proven to be a master in the arts of Ninjutsu, skilfully using two chakra natures simultaneously. Both the Water and Lightning natures she possesses can be applied to her healing methods, making her a masterful healer as well. Having pin-point chakra control, Sōkana's abilities make her a perfect healer. Her skills have been grouped with that of Tsunade in terms of healing and Biwako Sarutobi in terms of potency.

Sōkana has proven to adapt well in tough situations, overcoming problems that would normally overwhelm anyone else. Her will is indomitable and her passion is fiery, never giving up. During the Fourth Great Shinobi World War, her abilities let her keep up with that of Chiyo who was a revered Puppeteer during her day.
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