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Old 2011-05-15, 08:34   Link #13694
Knight Errant
Join Date: Dec 2007
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Age: 36
Originally Posted by Zakoo View Post
Being socialist doesn't mean to redeem the liberalist way. It's just the "workers" have more right, not being used, limit in the time you can work, ackwowledge of some works being physically harder than other, university aren't private, our health system and a lot of others things, in a nutshell it would be "equal sharing of the money gained".

So you can indeed, belong to the IMF and be socialist. Same way for being "rich" and paying high class suite or riding a porsche ( though it's true it made some noise )

So far it hasn't be proved he is guilty yet.
I don't know, all the socialists around here hate the IMF with a passion. Even before they bailed us out.

IMF usually forces their receivers to cut public services like healthcare, which doesn't go down well with most of the socialists I know. My impression of French Socialists is that they're much the same, if not more leftist.
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