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Old 2011-05-17, 22:02   Link #10430
Kuroi Hadou
Dark Energy
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: United States
Originally Posted by NightGale View Post
I may be using a bit of FSN-verse to justify this one but it appears that to some level this one applies to Toaru too, "...the power of a hero is equal to the power of his legend and the power of his legend equal to the number of itīs believers and their faith on it..."
That is too FSN-verse.

Constantine The Great (if you read vol 14, you probably know where iīm going with these one but...), unified the Christian Bible, and in that process many of those "Right-Handed feats" where lost in history(in fact is said that even this Bible was lost and the few chapter that could be recovered are what we call "Christian Bible" in this day and age), so it wouldn'tīt be strange that:
1. The Holy Right (HR) and the Imagine Breaker (IB) are indeed powerful and "functional", but their roles are a bit deformed, the HR has the power to "match the power required to defeat any enemy it deems as such" in order to do what?; letīs not talk about the IB, but the HR mission to "save the world", was something that the CRR atributed it and even Fiamma staged this great pool of drama that was WW3 to justify its need, since he himself wasnīt sure in his heart, that the world needed to be "saved"...
2. The HR and IB, may have even more powers that the ones they show, is just that the "legends" that "fuel" those powers are less known that in the time of Genesis, therefore those power have been either become useless or forgotten completely even if they are there.
3. Due to the above, both HR and IB are downgraded versions and a far-cry of the originals, you canīt even be sure what they are trying to imitate.
1. HR and IB are also defined as "The Right Hand That Creates All Miracles" and "The Right Hand That Destroys All Miracles", respectively.

2. Both of them, ironically, have been stated to be infantile. HR can't be used at full power baring special circumstance, and IB hasn't spread to Touma's entire body yet. For HR, at least, it shouldn't matter whether they've been lost to human history. HR is a divine power, so it's probably still capable of such feats. Fiamma himself either doesn't know about them or doesn't know how to unlock them.

Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Oh, and I totally agree there should be a holy war by Angels vs Pagan Deities in the past, but the Aeons does not refer to Polytheism

But now the age of Monotheism is over and we ascend into Atheism.
It seems to be like this:

Aeon of ? (maybe Ra?) = Age of Polytheism
Aeon of Osiris = Age of Monotheism
Aeon of Horus = Age of Atheism

Maybe the reason the Horus Aeon is so powerful is because it's a "God is Dead" kind of thing, where there are no longer any limits to human potential?
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