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Old 2011-05-20, 11:39   Link #52
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Originally Posted by Pellissier View Post
I also think this is reading too much into it. The first one looked genuine, while the second was used for purely comedic purposes. As for Menma's "conversations" with Jintan's mother, I believe it's because being dead, she's the only one she can actually relate to.
Even if I find the theory that he's the only one who can see Menma becaue he's dying as fascinating, I believe that 5 remaining episodes are not enough to go that deep into it. For how I see things, there are other matters on their way, I'm still waiting for Tsuruko and Poppo's own memories of that day, and the diary might be a key for at least one of them. Plus the group shall totally reunite (as of now it's kind of split in a 3+2) , figure the mistery, solve it and then have the final resolution.
5 episodes is only going to leave a lot of unanswered questions.
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