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Old 2011-05-20, 13:09   Link #56
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: USA
Age: 37
Awesome episode. Everyone emotion is hit at some point in the episode, yet agian.

The animation is waning a little since we are half way in, I hope it gets better.

As for the story... I will never get over how in Japan what you do out of school impacts you in school. I know why they do it but... it's just so stupid and unfair.

But kudos to Jinta there. I don't think he should have even commented on Anaru though. He should have made a big enough disturbance to override her gossip.

Originally Posted by Kaoru Chujo View Post
Excellent episode again. Jintan's first steps.

We are left wondering if his nosebleeds are tension for both, turn-on for both, or one of each.
I want to go with one of each. But Anaru wasn't really wearing anything that revealing.

Since Menma is dead, Anaru is his only possible partner, if he ends up with one.
I hope they pair up in the end, or there is some hint to it. Aside from it being sweet for Anaru, Jinta needs a good girl to help him out of this rough patch here.

Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
The return of ecchi, sketchy, one touchy! Oh, how I love that line.
Yes, it's a great line, isn't it.

Best scene in the episode for me was by far Jinta standing up for Anal (that sounds very wrong, doesn't it? Blame Menma for giving her that nickname ). His speech was confusing and incredibly awkward, yet still awesome. Him having such a hard time expressing himself in public is a nice touch.
Yes, seeing him struggle to do what he knew he had to was a nice tough. And when did Menma nickname her "Anal"?

Calling it now. The reason he's the only one who can see Menma is that he's close to death. Or maybe it was just a simple nosebleed. Ohana had some too. I guess Mari Okada loves them, huh?
Yeah... brain tumor... that would be so bad, lol.

Originally Posted by Solace View Post
I really love all the small lines that build these characters. Yukiatsu is harassed about his cross dressing again. Poppo commenting about being the loner. You get a better sense of Menma's family in this episode as well. The differences in mourning, Menma's worry over her mother. It's interesting to note that even though they packed up Menma's belongings, the room is still unused.

So we get a few more hints about Menma's wish, confirmation that Anaru is a virgin (there's a disturbance in the force, as if millions of otaku suddenly squealed in joy), and Jinta has nosebleeds of questionable significance. So far I'm really enjoying the pacing for this series, it's laid back but eventful. It doesn't seem like things are progressing much, but things are already quite different from where we first started.

I'm starting to wonder though, if the reason Menma's "ghost" nature isn't being called into question is because we're going to get some kind of Sixth Sense style twist. It would be awfully cliche to get some kind of tearful goodbye scene as Menma disappears because gosh darn, mystery solved.
Originally Posted by Proto View Post
For a moment I thought you were going to say that everyone else was dead, only Menma is alive. Now that would be a twist.
At the end Menma is going to wake up in the hospital with a sprained ankle and have her friends all around her.

Originally Posted by Soconfused View Post
And yeah, the random Occult Academy clip in the beginning was pretty cool.
I almost forgot to mention that! I love when they do things like that. Man that was a great series.
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