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Old 2011-05-26, 19:32   Link #169
Vallen Chaos Valiant
Logician and Romantic
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Within my mind
Age: 43
Originally Posted by SoldierOfDarkness View Post
This is ridiculous.

When companies put copyright tools in place on their games people ***** about how it's punishing the honest customers.

Here we got hackers who think they have the right to go in and attack Sony and as a result they are also punishing those who use PS3s as well. Give them a break, I think the Japanese have suffered quite enough in the last few months.
The main issue is that so far, all the hacking methods known to have been used against Sony are NOT sophisticated.

It isn't that Sony is being nuked from orbit; they are simply being labelled an easy target as a company perceived to have minimal security. And the fact that these simple methods worked is why Sony is being blamed.

It's like feeling sorry that a bank had its vault of valuables cleaned out, but then finding out they had secured the place only with a single padlock.

People aren't giving personal data to Sony because they think hackers won't attack the network; people give the data to Sony because they believe Sony would do everything they can do prevent theft. Had Sony been found to have been broken into by genius crackers, no one would be upset at them.

People expected Sony to have a certain level of defensive capability. The assumption was shown to be false, and that's why Sony is blamed. Even if the attacks stop, there is still a possibility of future attacks until the consumer trust that Sony had got their act together.
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