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Old 2011-06-01, 16:47   Link #1806
Join Date: Aug 2009
Location: 国立音ノ木坂学院
I agree this is a factor, but how many people have you meet who hate Charlotte or Nadeko? They don't strike me as the type to get anti-votes either.
Neither just deserve any hate...are they over-exposed characters (or from an overhyped series)? No. Annoying? No. Are they from series that people just love to hate (Cough...K-On...Cough...)? No. Do either have annoying fanbase? No...

Kanade do gets hate (Some people hate AB since it's so "popular" even though Bakemonogatari outsale it by a mile, but of course, AB is an overhyped/overexposed series...). Of course, looking at Kanade's number, you need LOTS of hate to even get close to Kanade, and non of her competition so far are exactly "Top of the top" material (Well, Mio is, but she did fall quite a bit...).

I mean, look at last 2 J-Saimoe and those annoying Saki characters that keep going into Top 8/Top 4. Pretty sure even more hate there but no one can stop them (Okay, fine, none of them went to final, but consider the competition in Semi-final...). Of course, don't make me start on their ISML record...

I like Kuroneko too, although she's more of an A- while Charlotte and Nadeko are A+ for me. Kanade would be a B. That said, unlike with the other three, I'm pretty sure that Kuroneko has haters. Both because I've run into them, and because she can be pretentious and abrasive (which is part of her appeal - double edged sword there).
Meh, it's just that KN is overexposed lately due to the extra episodes. But then, if not for those extra episodes, most people would probably not realized that Ruri-chan is actually THIS moe...(She has always been my #2, but then, I read the novel, so...)

Until the day of Kanade v. KN (Which can happen whenever the ISML staff finally decide to group them together), though, both will continue to get my support...(Of course, I'm still divided whether to go with KN in the actual contest or Kanade...)
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