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Old 2011-06-03, 06:56   Link #184
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by .x.crii.x. View Post
Eeeeh, I didnīt really like Jiroumaru service. I was just facepalming throughout the whole episode.
Sounds like it was fan disservice

Originally Posted by musouka View Post
Generally speaking, shounen romance is usually about the lead and how he feels about the girl of his choice and his struggles in forming a connection to her. Whereas shoujo romances usually are about about the couple, with the girl as our leading perspective. It's about the interplay between them.
Hrmmmm, yeah. That does sound about right. Shounen romance DOES seem to attribute a bit more finality for the guy and girl getting together than Shoujou romance. Allot of shounen seem to end on the couple getting together, where a decent amount of Shoujou romances seem to expand beyond that to relationship dynamics. (The big exception to this I can remember is Love Hina).

Originally Posted by musouka View Post
So I see flags whenever Tohru teases Ohana about her bust (or lack thereof) and Ohana starts pouting about how she's not good with dealing with him.

Plus they have nice chemistry, which helps.
There have been flags everywhere honestly. Aside from Mako or Minchi, Tohru is really the individual at the inn whom she's interacted the most with. And frankly minor stuff even from episode 2 are looking like flags set up by the writers in retrospect. (the car ride, Ohana musing about rebelling by going out with a guy, eye's happening to trace over Tohru).

These interactions ARE amusing. Even though I don't necessarily know if it'll lead to an official couple by the end of the series, it's certainly going to go interesting places plot thread wise.
Originally Posted by Guardian Enzo View Post
One thing is factual - Tohru is a man, and Kou is a boy. It's not a fair fight when you're talking about a 23 year-old with a career and a motorcycle vs. a first-year high schooler with a part-time job and a discount train pass.
Actually that has nothing to do with it. Really nothing at all. The competition between Tohru the man with a bike, and Ko the high school student doesn't matter. It's functionally irrelevant.

The only thing that really matters is the competition between Tohru the man with a bike, and Ko the funny noises and text coming out of a cellphone.

This might seem like an unpleasant way to put it, but that's simply how it is. Human brains are simplistic. If we never interact with a person face to face, our brains don't quite classify them as being as real as people we talk to first hand. That's the reason I don't particularly believe this ship will work.

Last edited by Roger Rambo; 2011-06-04 at 14:34.
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