Thread: Licensed Toriko
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Old 2011-06-03, 15:52   Link #148
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Man, I've been meaning to post in this thread again for a while, but I kept putting it off for some reason or another....

Anyways, loved the recent arc. Zebra's more awesome than I initially imagined him to be (certainly helps that he has sound-based powers, which is something I've always taken a fancy to ). The battle against the sphinx and Nitro was badass, too (though Toriko's fight against Tommyrod is still pretty much my top favorite in the series so far). The exposition on the Nitro species this chapter was quite interesting, as well. Can't wait to learn more of their history and their connection to God.....

...However, I do have one slight issue so far: I think it's about time for Shimabukuro to introduce another group of villains aside from the Bishokukai. I guess the Nitro would sorta count to some extent, but the fact that there's so few of them makes me doubt that they'd fit the bill. I just find it kinda funny that we've been introduced to a whole mess of IGO dudes who are stronger than Toriko and the other heavenly kings and seem to outnumber the amount of top-tier Bishokukai guys, as well. Could use a little more balance, you know....?
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