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Old 2011-06-04, 22:31   Link #191
To the beat//
Join Date: Feb 2011
Age: 32
........I...I'm sorry....I have imagined them. D: Yes, I'm a fujoshi, a hardcore one. I'm sorry. u.u

Ko would definitely be the uke in this relationship, he'd probably be a little tsun tsun though. xDD;; I've actually pictured many different scenarios in my head. How they would meet, how they would work out there atraction and um....-coughthehardcorestuffcough-

One involved Ko meeting Tooru at the trainstation, then Tooru giving him a ride to Kissuiso. Ko thinking to himself how hard and manly Tooru's body was and Tooru thinking that Ko was a bit quiet but that it was kind of cute of him.

I've got many, many, BUT MANY more scenarios.

Oh gosh, acejem, why´d you bring it up!? I WAS TRYING TO SUPPRESS MY FUJOSHI DESIRES!!! D:

-blushes sheepishly-

But I'm still all for TooruxOhana. But I wouldn't mind if TooruxKo happened or was hinted at. xDD ....Oh man...oh maaaaaan.....uh...I'm starting to let my fujoshi side loose. I might end up shipping TooruxKo from now on.
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