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Old 2011-06-09, 20:02   Link #17
Jin Kizuite
Guns Galore!
Join Date: Jul 2008
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Age: 34
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Originally Posted by charizardpal View Post
-Also about her not being able to write with Anjou's pen and paper....could that be because she can only interact with objects she interacted with during her life? Such as the wood in the 秘密つきち 、 or the diary she had as a kid?
...Or could it be because Jintan didn't want her to communicate directly with Yukiatsu and break their special connection? Yukiatsu obviously was going to ask her about what she wanted to meet with them about on "ano hi."

They zoomed in on her barefoot feet today, so I'm sure they're going to talk about her shoes pretty soon. I bet she'll interact with them too...
I don't wanna sound like i'm being too technical or analyst, but how is she able to keep baking fresh new muffins unless they have a ton of supplies which she all touched somehow before she died. I don't get the "not being able to write on Anjou's notebook," it could have something to do with her not being able to see Menma. But then since Jin touched the notebook before handing it to Menma, and he can see her but she still can't write on the notebook. ??? (Confusion)
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Credit @ fallschirmjager
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