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Old 2011-06-10, 03:37   Link #1285
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by mysterious View Post
Well, that line of thinking is made by Kinji assertion, but in that situation how would Reki knows what Aria thinking. No way she gonna keeps lying down there and asks Aria "so are you going to continue to hit me or not?" Also you know, Aria could be less of a spoiled brat that trigger happy every time she is pissed, and talks it out like the noble that she is supposed to be.
How would she know? Because she's Reki, the girl who has incredible sense of preception when it comes to fighting. You're saying that she can't tell if someone is hesitating to carry on fighting?

Originally Posted by mysterious View Post
It is my personal opinion that once you decide to attack someone, be prepared for whatever they throw back at you. It is not like I gonna killed anyone that attack me, but I have no complain to anyone that decide to do that. Obviously, there is also the matter of law in real life, but this is fiction so yeah.
And what happens when the person stopped fighting? You pulled out a weapon and say an eye for an eye and prepare to gut them?

Originally Posted by Cosmic Eagle View Post
You know I think trying to critique Reki's actions here is like trying to critique a Space Marine's or hardcore assassin's (at best) actions. She's generally emotionless due to the Irokane and is loyal only to her clan.

So I think trying to criticize her is a bit I dunno....pointless? She does what she does and that's it.
I get it, she's a child, she's emotionless, she doesn't know what she's doing etc- It still doesn't excuse her and it certainly doesn't mean I can accept her actions.

Originally Posted by Glacierfairy View Post
I interpret this as "since you are determined to return to England, I had better not create any opportunities for you to regret your decision". In other words, it is a form of 'I want my beloved to be happy' even though Kinji is in deep denial about it. As you have noted, he is playing the double tsundere act with Aria, so this should not be surprising. Unfortunately for him, as later volumes will show, it will be impossible for him to prevent "having any memories" with her.
Yes, and I've also said that it's a completely selfish way of thinking on Kinji's part. He's only protecting himself, what if Aria wants to spend the rest of her time with him? Is he going to throw that away because he can't take it?

Originally Posted by Hiro Hayase View Post
Spoiler for Volume 6, chapter 2:

Isn't it Aria's fault for misunderstanding without hearing the other parties explanation?
So... When Kinji's finally given a chance to explain... Rather than set the record straight... He brilliantly decides to make the situation worse out of spite? Because he's stressed? Is he going to do this every time he gets frustrated and had a bad night sleep?

It's not like this is the first time, he knows damn well what kind of girl Aria is, yet he risked it all to bring her back into his life again, and only now he suddenly remembered she's this kind of person? Can't he decide once and for all whether he wants her or not?

If he wants her to stay then live with it!

If he wants her out of his life don't go chasing after her!

Don't go doing things half way and just leave her when things get a little too dicey! If you don't like how things are then changed her! Don't just complain about it!

Originally Posted by Hiro Hayase View Post
Reki never had her own thoughts to begin with, until Kinji initiated his humanization plan. Her behavior is akin to that of a samurai, who is always vigilant. Just as Aria was about to strike Kinji in a fit of anger, Reki came between them and slapped Aria. In doing so, Reki protected Kinji from being hit and made herself the target for Aria's anger. The past Reki would have done anything the [Wind] ordered, but the present Reki has a bit of emotions, so it will be different since she has an attachment to Kinji now and probably knows better. Reki would not harm Kinji anymore, since she swore fealty to him already...there's no point bring these "what if's" into the argument.

Aria was earlier defeated by her underclassmen Koko in aru=kata and felt frustrated about that loss, so now her temper is shorter than before. However, her anger is still completely unreasonable because she wants to take it out on Reki instead. Generally, most snipers cannot use close range combat and Aria still attacked her regardless of that fact. Reki the samurai that she is, interpreted Aria's aggression as danger for both Kinji and herself. Reki merely did what she thought was the correct course of action. It's like the tradition of [pillage wife], read volume 7 for more details.
That's fine and all, but you are forgetting that Reki was the one to drive both Kinji and Aria apart in the first place- previous volume, such a well timed move just when Kinji and Aria was about to build their relationship.

She not some innocent little girl caught up in all this only trying to protect Kinji. She the reason for all this crap to begin with. Aria might have misunderstood the situation, but Hell if Reki didn't continue to push her in that general direction.

(The bottom half is pretty much the same response as the upper half of my reply to your post so I'll cut it short)

Last edited by Chaos2Frozen; 2011-06-10 at 03:58.
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