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Old 2011-06-10, 16:19   Link #1306
Hiro Hayase
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post

He realized it's a mistake, and continued down that path, even coming up with a self justification that he's doing this for her own good. If it was mere impulse in the heat of the moment, why did he need to come up with that excuse? And he certainly didn't seem remorseful at all.

I'm coming down on Kinji hard because while Reki may have started it, while Aria have got to this on her own; Kinji was the one who kicked the whole house of cards crashing down. He stood at the pinnacle and was given the chance the turn this around- And he blew it because he couldn't control himself?

This isn't the first time; Every time the two of them gets into a heated argument, Kinji either lashes out back at Aria, hitting her soft spot like her trust issues, their partnership and I think even her mother, or he continues to hide his secrets, be it the HSS or Kana.

But you know what really ticks me off? In the end they would somehow make up and it's all fine till the next volume. Now why does this bother me even more than the previous ones? Because of that thing that happened in the Vostok- It was nice, it was sweet, it was almost an end-gamer, and it meant nothing. Their relationship doesn't seem to be getting anywhere. All that business with EU, Patra and Sherlock, all meaningless. Nothing has changed, Kinji is still the same, Aria is still the same.

In fact, this volume reminds me of Shiraiyuki's...

Meh, Reki's like the after thought, Kinji's the target of my distaste.

I've already mentioned how I'm annoyed that their relationship never improved, but another reason why I'm raging about Kinji's action in this volume is that he never saw himself as part of the problem to blame, that means no regret- Sure he realized it's a mistake, but he certainly isn't beating himself up about it. And worse still is him trying to justify what he had said to Aria was for her own good.
So it really does tick you off. It seems like more ranting now than a credible discussion.

Flamebait? Oh nonono, I simply wanted to learn if I've been missing out on something regarding my analysis on Kinji and Reki, it never hurts to learn
If your going to hate a character to that extent, then isn't this discussion really futile. Your even less likely to view objectively or other character's perspectives properly when your enraged/frustrated like that. Romance is like a sub plot to HnA, it gives realism to the characters in a way.

Since when has Kinji ever been good at reading other girl's emotions? Has he ever been in a relationship before? Kinji has been avoiding girls as much as he could. Furthermore, Kinji and Aria are amateurs in the romance department. Aria easily becomes agitated when mentioning the word 'love' and other related stuff like 'kissing' and beyond that. Kinji wants to avoid any situation or places that can trigger his HSS mode at all times. That's his objectives: avoid girls, keep HSS a secret, leave Butei High as soon as possible.

'Fault' as in she's the cause, the catalyst, the source, the origin, the beginning, the one who initiated this event.
I could easily direct these same words towards Aria. She's the source of Kinji's distress, if she weren't there Kinji could have obtained a peaceful life. She's practically been dominating his life with her orders, without listening to his protests. Resorting to aggression whenever in an argument with her partner. She does become a bit jealous when Kinji's with other girls.

Reki practically saved Kinji's life because he's an novice at dealing with snipers. Reki showed him the full extent of what a genius is capable of and how easily he could have lost his life to an attack like that. Without Reki's and Haimaki's timely interventions, Kinji would be at the mercy of Koko. That's the reality of the situation. Aria wouldn't be such a good match up against such an long range opponent with an army of genetically modified hunting dogs.

Kinji was regretful later at his outburst at Aria, but she was also in the wrong and so was Reki. When Kinji saw Aria while on a date with Reki, he felt apologetic. They later made up in volume 7.

Also, Aria went into a jealous frenzy similarly when Shirayuki and Kinji were caught in a misunderstanding during volume 2, and even when Riko (flirting) had Kinji pinned down in HSS mode during volume 3.

Even if Kinji explained the situation to Aria whe she asked him, there was no guarantee that she wouldn't attack him afterwards since Aria was already at her detonation point. But you could also say that Kinji kinda sided with Reki, realizing she actually acknowledges the normal Kinji that no one else does.

People do not change that easily, the darkness in Kinji's and Aria's heart will take time to resolve. Kinji has his reasons for behaving the way he does and so does Aria. Don't take HnA too personally, its a work of fiction in the end.

P.S. Your putting too much emphasis on Kinji's flaws, but disregarding Aria's too much.

Last edited by Hiro Hayase; 2011-06-10 at 17:17.
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