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Old 2011-06-12, 14:39   Link #44
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Now, time to review the episode in general.

Like Tsuyoshi, I also think that this was an absolutely wonderful episode.

It was just chock full of excellent and dramatic character development and plot development.

Ohana has now become my favorite anime character of this season. She has a completely contagious charisma to her. Her fiery and relentless opposition to what she feels is unjust is truly admirable and a lot of fun to watch, really.

The plot of this episode was very tight, and perfectly paced. It had a good dual focus, as one part focused on the Inn review storyline, and the other part focused on Ohana's relationship with Ko. Okada did a splendid job of having the two come together in a very natural, realistic, and seamless fashion.

The confrontation between Ohana and her mother was excellent. This may sound odd given my earlier points on this thread, but I'm actually glad that Satsuki was presented as such an unabashed antagonist, as this provides Ohana with the perfect foil to go up against. In many ways, it makes Ohana's earlier conflict with the Management Consultant seem like mere practice for the mother vs. daughter main event.

Between the Management Consultant, and now Satsuki, I see how this anime may have a fair bit of social commentary to it, and I welcome that.

On the romance front, the plot is certainly thickening isn't it?

Okada does it again, managing to weave together a complex romantic conflict that would make most harem anime shows blush.

I have to say that Okada does romantic conflict as well as any anime writer around, and that certainly came through nicely in this episode.

While this isn't my favorite HSI episode, it's a very close 2nd, and I give it 10/10.
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