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Old 2011-06-19, 15:05   Link #26
Blooming on the mountain
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light....
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
...Despite her epiphany, it looks like Ohana still doesn't get it. Glasses girl is right, she needs to let Ko go already. How much longer is the poor dude going to have to wait for her, probably for nothing?

Yes, I don't believe Ohana loves Ko, nor that she will come to love him. I interpreted her final lines in a different way: she said she had never even thought about going back to Tokyo, even though Ko is there. She's basically saying she didn't miss him. Sure, she likes him, but only as a friend. Mails are enough when it comes to friendship. If things between the two of them can't go back to how they were... then she doesn't want to go back to Tokyo.

Of course, the other big reason she doesn't wish to go back is that she's having the time of life at Kissuiso. Me thinks she found her calling.
Hmm ... I dunno if the series is moving towards the specific ending of Ohana realizing she does not love Kou. But it definitely seems that sorting that whole pile of emotions out regarding him will be a big key to Ohana's growth somehow. Maybe even a watershed? And in this sense I absolutely agree that Ohana does need to "let go" of Kou in the sense of end the state of "up-in-the-air'nitude" between them so they both can move on. Whether it is to a relationship with Kou or not is another question.

Personally I would like a relationship with Kou to take place, but not "now" - maybe some years down the line. But then I am one of those gooey romantic story type sorts.

Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Satsuki didn't make me want to slap her this time. It's clear she isn't the mom of the year, but she does care about Ohana. She just doesn't really seem to know how a mom should behave, which might be due to how Sui treated her. In a way, she's not that different from Sui -- they both neglected their daughters to some extent, and I'm sure both of them thought it was for the best.
VERY well said imo! I felt very similar.... And I lol'd at the above bolded statements.
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