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Old 2011-06-19, 17:27   Link #39
Roger Rambo
Sensei, aishite imasu
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Hong Kong Shatterdome
Originally Posted by hanashi View Post
Trollercoaster! I like that one.
Somehow I kind of get off to all the misgivings and suffering the characters are forced to go through. It's like the show creators KNOW how much people try to emphasize/project into the characters.

Spoiler for The Shows creators:

Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
Satsuki didn't make me want to slap her this time. It's clear she isn't the mom of the year, but she does care about Ohana. She just doesn't really seem to know how a mom should behave, which might be due to how Sui treated her. In a way, she's not that different from Sui -- they both neglected their daughters to some extent, and I'm sure both of them thought it was for the best.
Although Satsuki is acting all composed here, you do get a sense that she to is going to get victimized by *forever alone* syndrome by the end of this series

Although she doesn't get massively upset over it, she DOES note that her daughter never really contacted her during the months she was at the inn. Nor did she ever really consider going back to Tokyo. It was infact Satsuki who was considering getting back into contact with Ohana and requesting going back home...except by now she's figured Ohana doesn't really possess any actual interest for that.
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
I felt kind of bad for her too. Her "date" with Tooru was horrible. Geez, what kind of guy would force a lady to eat until she pukes? Ohana saw right through him: he doesn't know how to handle women. That said, that date was pretty hilarious. Loved Minchi's face when she found out the kind of sushi Tooru was talking about.
Well they ARE chefs. They got to go and sample lots of different kinds of food when they're out on this sort of outing. Tohru seems to have pretty solidly *apprentice zoned* Minko here and bassically is treating her like how he'd treat any other person in a similar circumstance.
Originally Posted by Kanon View Post
All in all, excellent episode. I just hope we'll move on from the romance drama soon. I'm more interested in Yuina and Nako than Ko's romantic life.
I was actually pretty surprised that we saw Ko this soon after the fever episode. I doubt we'll be seeing him for awhile.

And honestly, another series of episodes that show what kind of awkwardness/distance currently exists between Ohana and Kou further cements my belief in that we are proudly marching towards a *ForeverAlone.jpg* ending
Originally Posted by sikvod00 View Post
Great episode. The only thing I didn't like was how young Satsuki is voiced by Ohana's VA. That was kinda lame. =/
No it wasn't. It was to emphasize that Sui, Satsuki and Ohana are CLONES!

It's possible that they're some kind of bizzaro alien species that creates hyper powerful Bene Gesserit female clone offspring, while spawning pitiful and weak men.
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