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Old 2011-06-20, 10:48   Link #76
Join Date: Jun 2011
Originally Posted by HayashiTakara View Post
And that whack job Yukiatsu is better? seriously? Do you realize how horrible of a basis it is to go out with someone to get over someone is? Yukiatsu is a billion times worse about Menma than Jinta is.
This. Yukiatsu doesn't seem to care for Anaru, he just sees her as a way to get over Menma and she's the perfect rebound since she's also got an unrequited love.

Personally, if Menma were to pass on Jintan might actually see other girls and maybe even Anaru. He couldn't before because he felt guilt for calling Menma ugly and denying his feelings. but now everything is out in the open and he knows all of Menma's feelings.

Either way, Anaru deserves a happy ending. I hope it goes the way of Cross Game, where although they all still love and remember Menma, they don't let their ENTIRE lives be destroyed by the memory. Plus Ko totally hooks up with Aoba So I have some faith.
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