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Old 2011-06-25, 20:25   Link #24
Join Date: Mar 2006
Originally Posted by Arabesque View Post
I'm not sure why is this an issue, since we had threads like this created quite early before once a preliminary list had surfaced. Furthermore, Spring is more less ending this week, so there is no problem with a Fall thread coming now since the Summer one is about to become obsolete.
I haven't paid too much attention to when these type of threads are posted, I'm just noticing this one and to me it feels like the timing is early. It's personal opinion, that's all. Posting it after the Summer premieres just seems better. You'd have a larger, more complete list, with more concrete information. I guess it's a bit like someone doing their Christmas gift and decoration shopping in July. It's not a bad idea, and it beats the rush, but it feels out of context.

And yes I know this is the upcoming anime section. I have no problem with the thread existing, I merely feel it's slightly early. Ah well. Semantics, right?
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