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Old 2011-06-30, 23:03   Link #11813
Join Date: Sep 2010
Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
Well, we don't know if it's a spun of the moment thingy, or it was a just as planned all along But yes, small unassuming events in the story do tend to have bigger (though not always greater) importance later in the story. The first six-seven books are really the set up for bigger things to come.
Heh, thatīs the beauty of it isnīt it? you "canīt" tell if it was intended or if it was truly a spur of the moment thing, it just leaves you with a taste of "just as planned" when you read it... amazing right? countless authors, in all genres and medias, try to use foreshadowing and fail badly or end up having to trash the idea altogether; but Kamachi managed to soften the transition and mix them all into something great, leaving us craving for more and without having to reveal all the cards in his hand,xD.
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