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Old 2004-11-15, 22:47   Link #64
from head to heel
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Age: 42
Originally Posted by DaFool
Same thing can be said of Hollywood movies. Especially my parents generation love to brag about how classic the movies of their time were.
Actually, the strange thing is I watched a few old anime after watching the new ones. For example, I watched Mobile Suit Gundam after Wing, G and a few episodes of X. I guess Turn A or Zeta should be next on my list, but I really don't have the time. Moreover, Urusei Yatsura is actually the latest Takahashi series I was able to watch, and I'm still hoping that I'll be able to catch the second season one day.

Like I said, there are still a lot of good titles in the present. But frankly, it's just too bad that some people can no longer appreciate some older titles for apprently very trivial reasons such as, "it looks ugly" or "it's old." Technically, anime has been improving and indeed there are a lot of good ones today, but it's also quite sad that because of these achievements, some titles of the past--that deserve equal praise if not more--have been utterly forgotten.
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