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Old 2011-07-06, 07:48   Link #14610
Honyaku no Hime
Join Date: May 2008
Location: In the eastern capital of the islands of the rising suns...
Vaguely heard the BBC say why some kid murder is currently making waves over in America (me not clued up on it)

In the meantime, although unlikely, did any Americans catch wind of this piece of news as well?
US 'hate groups' bolstered by Obama's election
Click link above to read entire story....

(Yes, I know, perhaps it was overly idealistic to think that to have a leader born from two races that were segregated for hundreds of years in that country/cointinent over there would dispel some of the racial hatred (obviously not all) and make Americans unite across races rather than keep sticking to one) x.x;;

Did the election of Barack Obama as US president boost the growth of right-wing and so-called "hate groups"?

A curious thing happens when you walk down the street in Spokane, Washington, first thing in the morning. Complete strangers look you in the eye, and say, with a little smile: "Good morning."
The difficult truth for Spokane, for Washington State, for neighbouring Idaho and for all of the US, is that hate groups - anti-black, anti-Jew, neo-Nazi - are on the rise again.
And nearly everyone, including members of those groups, agrees that the election of Barack Obama has been a catalyst for the increase in support.

And there are ordinary citizens - and their children - who are at the receiving end of hate group activity in Washington and Idaho.

Rachel Dolezal, who teaches art and African-American studies, has been repeatedly harassed since word got out about what she taught.
Her homes - she has moved several times - have been broken into. Nooses have been left for her, and a swastika was left on the door of her workplace.
Although I gotta give kudos to the journalist here, so much for objective reporting, lol
Aryan Nations is a wildly anti-Jewish white separatist group.

Mr O'Brien insists he does not condone or encourage any acts of violence. He calls Jews "the children of Satan".
He accuses Barack Obama of being Jewish - he is not - and of not being a US citizen - he is. But he has cause to thank the president.
Although since each state is practically a country, those in more ethnically diverse and accepted places I guess wouldn't really think much of this, cept it all falls under 'America', you're kinda seen as this one entity (esp if 4th July is anything to go by annually), do you think this kinda activity's gonna be making waves as the next election draws closer?

Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere. - Van Wilder
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