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Old 2011-07-16, 12:41   Link #49
Nu Soard Graphite
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2011
I got into anime (hardcore) around 1989/90 when I picked up my first Anime VHS tape, DANGAIO. Shortly after that I got GUNBUSTER, Akira, started collecting Robotech on tape etc. Anime took me on a wild ride that lasted well over a decade.

However around 2000-ish I noticed that anime just wasn't as interesting anymore. Was it because anime was in a down trend (it was at the time) or was I outgrowing it? A little of both?

I stopped paying attention to anime so heavily at that time, dedicating my efforts elsewhere (mostly gaming and fantasy novels etc). Now in the past couple of years, I have found a plethora of anime tittles that have caught my interest once again. It started with the ridiculously phenomenal Macross Frontier and has continued to the present. Claymore was awesome and there have been a host of good tittles I have watched recently.

I realised that what had happened was that I had oversaturated myself in Anime. It got to the point that I had seen pretty much everything out there. I needed a break, so I took almost 10 years off of anime. Now I am re-energized and ready to devour more series. If you find yourself getting burned out, just take a break and find something else to do for a few years. You'll be surprised at how much that helps.
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