Thread: Licensed Ikoku Meiro no Croisée
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Old 2011-07-18, 17:57   Link #269
Join Date: Oct 2004
Age: 44
Yune certainly fit the Yamato nadeshiko bill.

She is cultured and intelligent enough to be literate in at least 2 language, fold origami and yet obedient enought to lower herself and do menial work. This is certainly something in the late 19th century, which implies she comes from a well to do family, aristocratic or royalty even. Speaking of which, we still do not know much about her background, except that she has an older sister.

Yune, being a nadeshiko, partly explains her charm. We don't see such female nowadays. She is clever, skilled and yet humbles herself to behave appropiately. Which girl today would run an errand to pass you an umbrella at the first sight of rain just for your sake ?

For a newly introduced Sisters, I don't belive they will play the role of the villians. In fact, I don't think there's even a villanous role to be played out at a show such as this. Believe me, those 2 will have their own charming ways.

PS :- I don't believe the French for Origami is "Origami" itself nor even there is a desert known as "Baba" in France. Alice, as I believe, isn't a French name too. Could any native French clear this up ?

Last edited by MakubeX2; 2011-07-18 at 18:17.
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