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Old 2011-07-21, 03:13   Link #14936
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Originally Posted by Jinto View Post
And all I was trying to imply is, that you would have given a damn, if the CIA did the exact same thing in Afghanistan! The only difference is, that in Afgahnistan not the american people are at the receiving end but the afghan people (in the end it had repercussions for the USA too, but I cannot remember you complaining about the CIA then).
Well yeah, I wasn't here at animesuki back then.
If I had been then I would have posted this picture of CIA operative Zbigniew Brzezinski and Tony Osmo (Osama Bin Laden) in Afghanistan sometime in the late 1980s.
This picture originally came out of the 1990 end-of-year issue of Soldier of Fortune magazine.

But remember, the official line out of the Bush admn is that the CIA did not create Al Qaeda or train Osama Bin Ladin.
That's a conspiracy theory and you shouldn't pay any attention to all the photos from the 80s of CIA men training Osama.
It's like the Enquirer, it was matted in...or something.
You know Jinto, it really amazes me how stupid the US government thinks we all are...but I digress.

So all I am saying is that I have sympathy for your resistance to the BATFE but no sympathy for your selfish motives. And the off-topic-ness was neccessary to give you some historical background knowledge, so that you know what I am refering to in this post.
My motives are only selfish in that I feel helpless to do anything about it, and thus like all other Americans (or most other) I sit on my arse and bitch about it instead of actually doing something about it.
The ATF is only one of the worst agencies of the US government, but not the only one.
Empire certainly has its price, and I for one don't think it was worth it.
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