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Old 2011-07-23, 21:01   Link #1676
Join Date: Aug 2010
Thanks for all your comments on my fic, everyone: they're very much appreciated

Oh, and 'Meteor Smash' was not from the novels.

Gunha + Touma, I might throw some more scenes in: I do have one tentatively planned...

Kakine would know Touma's off limits, and frankly a goody-good hero that knows jack all about the Darkness wouldn't be worth his time when he has bigger fish to fry (ie Accelerator and getting out of his 'Spare Plan' label).
Accel on the other hand... while I won't say it's 'impossible' to fit him in, I don't think I can manage that. Gunha is enough of a handful to write as it is, so I'll stick with Gunha + Touma 'crack' instead of trying to fit Accel in.

(on a side note, I'm amazed even Mr.Kyon would think something is going too far (Gunha+Touma+Motoharu) - his insanity from the spoilers way surpassed what I suggested >.>)

And yes, I also read Of Science and Magic's latest chapter. I've also gave a review on that outlining why that won't work, if anyone's interested.

Though apart from the break of canon mechanics, it wasn't that bad.
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