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Old 2011-08-02, 23:10   Link #12326
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Chile
Originally Posted by Wilfriback View Post
* Accelerator + Kazakiri fought a weak Misha who was paralyzed due to Acqua and Touma destroying the artifacts which supported Misha's inestable form.

* Touma fought and defeated THE Archangel Gabriel. Note that Stiyl said that being hit by the star means nothing to the Archangel.
LoL no. After Gabriel regained it's freedom, it was still composed of irregular energies and was still weakened, this is why it started absorbing power from the Earth; even though it was incompatible in nature.

Also, technically no one beat Gabriel. It's just that Touma's ability could work on it and the others couldn't, it's just that; that caused it's "defeat". Speaking as if Touma is stronger than the angel is like negating the whole theme of the series, this isn't Bleach or something like that.

Speaking off, I would like it for Touma to become some type of Vip target for the magic side after his handsome role in stopping the war and "defeating" an Angel.
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