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Old 2011-08-05, 01:11   Link #12381
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by Stabman View Post
The comparison to Oda is highly appropriate in this case.

Both Kamachi and Oda, greatly successful authors over the years, have recently hit huge yet sudden strides in popularity for both their works (it's curious how synonymous it actually is).
At this point, the difference of sales from the competition is simply disjarring.

They're like Accelerator: even for the ones close up the rank, there's a shocking difference in power.

One Piece has all but solidify it's position as King of Shounen. Though I haven't follow any of the big three in years, word on the street is how the other two have been slowly degrading while One Piece has been on the rise ever since a certain someone bites the dust.

But this isn't so clear cut for the Light Novel world. There are some serious contenders that are pretty even in this fight and it's only getting tougher now that Haruhi is back from the grave, and Boku wa Tomodachi is getting an Anime... In terms of sales- with the exception of Haruhi- everybody else is neck-to-neck, the one advantage that Index has is numbers- but this ranking limits that overwhelming advantage by counting only from a year and a half ago.

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad that Index has gotten it's success and recognition, but I want to get all the facts straight before I run down the street naked and covered in goat's blood screaming "Hail to the King baby!"
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