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Old 2011-08-06, 10:46   Link #2496
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Join Date: Oct 2010
I always felt Sheryl had a hard time either understanding or simply voicing how she really felt about things. If she has to say something about them, most of the time she slips into Fairy mode and treats it as little consequence. She only ever opened up with Alto, and even then only rarely.

So why not tell Alto? Could have been a lot of reasons, probably was a lot of reasons, but I think in particular one on her mind was that she didn't want him to make foolish promises to a dying girl when he has plenty of life ahead of him. It's not uncommon for a romance to be rushed because one ends up on a death bed and to make promises to make the dying one feel better about their life. I swear that was really what Sheryl was going for, keeping Alto from making a promise she'd think was crazy and stupid so he wouldn't tie himself to a dead girl and he could go live on with his life without feeling guilty over it, because she never let him. And Ranka was a good way for him to go on with his life. Go save her, and the two of them could live a long and happy life together.

Might have also been because she thought Alto might be foolish enough to make good on any crazy promises. And, of course, with her dying, Alto may have been professing feelings he hadn't even thought through himself, but it didn't really matter where Alto's feelings lie, one girl he could save, the other he could not, and he deserves a happy life in her mind.

Of course, she did say she'd hear it after the battle, but her monologue at the start of the final battle to me said that she didn't expect to be alive after the battle. She planned to burn what was left of her life in one blazing concert and I suspect she would have been happy to die on stage.
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