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Old 2011-08-07, 16:19   Link #3402
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: USA
What an excellent episode! There are a few things I noticed from this episode that leads to quite a few speculations.

First, if this Dragon Knight, Doroma Animu, supposedly sucked up half the magic of the Edolas, then it probably is the true reason that magic is disappearing from Edolas. Its existence in itself is probably draining whatever is left of magic, so destroying it might actually restore magic to the world, hence solving the magic crisis.

Next, Mystogan is the prince, so if they imprison/kill the current king, Mystogan will have full control of the Edolas army. That will resolve any current conflict, and it will also mean that Mystogan's time on Earthland might be numbered, even though he barely appeared in it most of the time anyway.

Also, I was wondering what happened to the other Fairy Tail, but it looks like they will appear in the next episode. Lisanna was the major character shown in the ending, but she has not made any impact whatsoever yet. I wonder what her significance will be soon? Maybe we will lose Mystogan, but we will gain Lisanna? Natsu needs two love interest anyway, since a main character in Anime usually has at least 2.

It's funny how Gajeel already calls Lily his cat. Lily has not accepted it yet, though. I just can't imagine how Lily will be able to carry Gajeel without it looking a little too... umm... well, male on male.

Also, it looks like the Queen, Chagot, might be the mother of Charle/Charlotte. They certainly resemble one another, making Charle the heir apparent as well. I didn't know Fairy Tail had so many royal members.

Finally, Wendy looks really useful and powerful after her new magic spells. She is all around support, like a Paladin, with healing abilities. The 3 dragon slayers together seems like an unbeatable team. If they had their dragons as well, they could probably rule the world.
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