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Old 2011-08-14, 21:16   Link #15801
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
Originally Posted by GundamFan0083 View Post
Nope, but speaking from experience, I can say it sure helps having one when faced with an armed assailant.
Depends on what their intent initially was (and assuming they're armed with a gun and not a knife). If they were only intending to steal, and you pull a gun and don't immediately use it, there's a high chance that the culprit will panic and do something they never intended to do. Hell, even if you don't pull it and merely motion toward a gun that they can see could lead to that situation. And I'd say the number of non-criminals who actually have a gun and are able to fire it (psychologically, not physically) at another human are much lower than the number of criminals who would.
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