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Old 2011-08-17, 14:02   Link #6780
Zero of the roulette
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Age: 30
Originally Posted by Yirba View Post
AppLocale could probably solve that problem, though?

Anyway, one advantage of translating Higanbana is that there is very little to do on the technical level. ONScripter-EN should be able to play the game more-or-less perfectly. Plus, it is easy to get at the script and add the translation. Witch Hunt have experience with translating NScripter games so it should be quite simple.

With Rewrite however, I'm not even sure what engine they're using… it might be more difficult to translate (especially if the engine can't deal with English text well).

That said, I'm sure that if Witch Hunt really want to translate Rewrite, they'll find a way.
Nope, it's not about the locale, but about Japanese version of Windows, as a different product like this. If you don't have that, a message pops up and says "This Game is Japan only" and some stuff about needing Japanese Windows and shuts the game. Of course, there's already ways to skip it, but it's not AppLocale. I agree waiting for Visual Arts to give a permission probably gets us nowhere.

Rewrite's engine is called Siglus Engine, which apparently is Key's own engine. So deciphering it would probably need some extra work. As you say, Higanbana is probably much more effortless, and apparently one collection is much shorter than an average Umineko episode actually. So it wouldn't need as much work as Umineko. Depending on how many installments there's going to be of course. But comparing Rewrite and Higanbana's First Night, there's visibly a huge difference in effort needed.

I'd love Witch Hunt to translate either of them, but I wouldn't blame them if they're going to take a break.
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