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Old 2011-08-18, 17:09   Link #5
Bittersweet Distractor
Join Date: Nov 2007
Age: 32
There are some tired out ideas that could either be used less, get less focus, or at least be explored in different ways. This is what is usually in the category of "pandering." Seeing overused tropes that are specific to certain types of anime (Most recently moe).

One such thing is popular archetypes like Tsundere.

People get discouraged by these sorts of tropes because it just shows an unwillingness of the writer to create a story that feels genuine and true.

This specifically becomes problematic though in series that are unable to present much substance beyond the trope. The trope alone cannot provide a satisfactory viewing experience, you need more than the trope to feel adequately satisfied. Otherwise what are we even watching the anime for if the trope is uninspired, the anime just over not very entertaining, if we've seen the same thing done before better?
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