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Old 2011-08-23, 05:16   Link #285
Obelisk ze Tormentor
Black Steel Knight
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Indonesia
Originally Posted by Charsiupao View Post
She probably wouldn't need to. Shirou was smitten by Saber the moment she appeared and spoke to him. Caster would probably have the same entrance effect (although I'm not sure if Shirou was smitten by the pretty face or the aura of nobility - Caster needs to ensure she drops the hood during the entrance!!). Shirou would have been very happy had Saber just stayed at home, and didn't actually do anything heroic. If anything, his chauvinistic nature would have preferred that his female servant didn't put herself in any danger or fight at all, meaning Caster could just stay at home as one of his female groupies and absorb all the love and affection Shirou could pour on her. Her lack of principles and sense of justice will not make much of a difference as she won't be called upon to fight for them at all. She'd be like an.. Eliya, sitting pretty at home, and from the flashbacks while she wasn't heroic she never really came across as aggressively evil. Only when she starts to absorb human energy to feed her power (although she might not need to if she never had to fight) would Shirou strongly object to it, and even then he'd probably go all out to find a solution for it, like maybe giving her his nerves or something, which would touch her even more.
As much as I like your own scenario , there is this little complication: A magician can only summon a servant who is similar in nature with the said magician. Thus Rin summoned Archer since both of them have big pride and Shiro summoned Saber coz both of them are 'straight' people with great sense of justice and tend to care for the well-being of other people more than themselves, etc.

It'll be a different case if Caster (after killing her summoner) met Shirou (before he summoned Saber) and made a pact with him. Then the story could go as you describe/like . Yeah, I feel that scenario is quite interesting too. Surely you already know that, in the game/visual novel, there are three different scenarios which Caster died in ALL of them (if memory serves me right).

PS: Truth be told, did you know that in Shirou's case, in order to provide his servant (in your case, Caster) with mana, he has to make love with her ^^? Or, he doesn't have to, since Caster is a magician and she can provide her own mana by sucking people up (I doubt Shirou will agree with that method though^^).
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