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Old 2011-08-28, 18:27   Link #27
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Newfoundland, Canada
Age: 42
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The marriage arc was handled well, and it was excellently used to help develop some plot threads, if not completely resolve them.

Like others here, I found it refreshing to see a love triangle resolved pretty quickly and in a believable way. Yet Okada still made it all entertainingly dramatic for me, and the emotions felt raw and real. Ohana's short fight with Minchi was a neat moment for me.

Enishi and Takako were given good moments here, and I have to admit that this just about justifies the earlier Enishi/movie arc. It justifies having the arc because this marriage would have felt like a total asspull to me otherwise, but the movie arc developed Enishi/Takako just enough to make their eventual marriage work, imo.

I like much of the relationship trolling in the anime - for me, it's like a wild rollercoaster ride where you're not quite sure where it'll all end up. This episode has effectively thrown Ohana's end in doubt - Will the Kissuiso even be around for Ohana to be with, lol ? Ohana has an "one-sided crush" on Ko so an Ohana/Ko ending is still possible (major remaining hurdle being book girl, of course). Minchi/Tohru is still possible too.

I like how the anime has effectively left all of these options open going into its final two episodes. Makes things much more intriguing and interesting for me.

Last edited by Triple_R; 2011-08-28 at 19:17.
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